Lunch Volunteers

LUNCH DUTY 2024-2024

Important Information:
    Each family with students in grades K-8 is contractually obligated to complete 3 lunch duty days per child. For example: If you have a PK 4 student, and a 2nd grader you only need to do 3 lunch duty days. If you have a 1st grader, 4th grader, and a 7th grader you would need to do 9 lunch duty days. Lunch duty is capped at 3 children per family (9 lunch duty days).
    Lunch duty involves volunteering for 2hrs from 11am-1pm on your assigned day. Please remember to arrive at 11:00am and sign-in at the main office.
    You will be required to wear a mask and adhere to social distancing requirements.
    Families have until November 5th to sign up for their lunch duty requirements. Meaning that if you are contracted to do 6 days, you must sign up for all six days by November 5th.
    If you sign up for a day and you can no longer meet your requirement you need to find a sub. The best way to do this is to ask a friend, email your class, or post in the St. Elizabeth School Parents (SES Moms) on Facebook. The HSA will not find you a sub. If you are not able to find a sub or switch with another parent you will be fined $100, and this will be billed in FACTS.
 If you switch lunch duty days, please update SignUpGenius and your calendars to ensure you receive credit for the days you attended.
    If you feel that you cannot commit to volunteering for lunch duty, there is an Opt Out in place (link provided below and the form will be included in the Brown envelope). You may opt out for $300 per student. If you have 3 children in grades K-8, and would be able to work 3 lunch duty days, you can opt out for 2 of your children at $600 if you prefer. The deadline to opt out is September 30th.
 There is no separate lunch service fee.
Lunch Duty Reminder From Mrs. Lewis:
    Kindly be aware of your conversations when you are working lunch duty, please do not speak negatively about the students or faculty/staff members.