The Archbishop of Newark is responsible for the leadership which directs Catholic School and, in this respect, has canonical authority over all schools in the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ. The Archbishop in accepting this ultimate responsibility seeks to share the governance with Catholic Schools with the laity.
The Pastor of the parish is entrusted with the responsibility for the parish. The Principal is the administrative head of the school and is accountable to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee for effective operations of the school. School Advisory Boards are formed on the local level to advise the Principal in areas of finance, facilities, strategic planning, marketing, and development.
The School Advisory Board members may serve two or 3 year terms, which will be staggered to provide continuity.
Archdiocese of Newark Guidelines for Local School Advisory Boards, 2014
Prior to Lighting the Way
St. Elizabeth Advisory Board serves as a subunit of the Educational Committee of the Parish Council. It acts as an advisory body to the Principal and Pastor in establishing policies and programs concerning St. Elizabeth Elementary School. The basic purpose of the board is to give you, the parents of St. Elizabeth School children, a basic responsibility in assuring the continued success of our school in providing a sound Catholic education for our youth. The Board meets monthly and all meetings are open to parents.